Career Education

Children`s Perception of the Worl of Work and
Vocations as a field of Early Childhood Education.




WARBEKi  -  Erasmus+ Pilot Project

This Erasmus+ Pilot Project focuses on development, testing and implementation of a specific qualification programme/
seminar for educational specialists and managers in Pre-Schools / Early Childhood Education Centres (ECECs) on the topic of „Perception of the working and professional world in early childhood development“.

The WARBEKi Project Team is convinced that this educational sector must be subject of pre-school work. 
It is about systematic early childhood encounters with experiential spaces that are conducive to the social learning of positive educational and vocational attitudes. 

Pedagogical staff should be enabled to sensitise children to the „working and professional world“ already at Pre-School age – however, without predisposing them to specific professions, by preventing discrimination at an early stage and by promoting lifelong learning.

The curricular integration of „Career Education“ into the qualification of pedagogical day-care staff is an indispensable prerequisite, whereby it is a matter of connecting with existing curricular approaches. The perception of the working and professional world and the development of child-oriented Career Management Skills (CMS) require a holistic, interdisciplinary approach. A central concern relates to the social-integrative aspect (inclusion), which also includes the language-analytical encounter with pedagogically designed environments – with the involvement of parents. The children are to realise the importance of education and exploration for themselves through an early, positive engagement with the world of work.

Project Partners

Project Meetings

We met in several meetings in Germany and Poland to discuss our research results an proceed in our workpackages.


Current Project Results

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